REMINDER: School closes at 3.15pm Thursday 28th March for the Easter Holidays and re-opens on Monday 15th April for staff and pupils.


The government publishes a list of statutory documents and policies all maintained schools must hold, as well as who is responsible for reviewing them and their individual approval cycles.
Please note that not all of these policies are listed below if they are only relevant internally.
In addition to the policies below, please follow these links for:
Please note that the school holds a register of pupils' admission to school and attendance, as stipulated by the government.
Accessibility Plan.docx
Anti-Bullying Policy.docx
Appendices to Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023/24.docx
Appendix D to Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023/24.docx
Appendix E to Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023/24.docx
Assessment Policy.docx
Attendance Policy.docx
Catering for Children with Allergies, Intolerances or Who Require a Special Diet Policy.docx
Charging and Remissions Policy.docx
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023-24.docx
Children With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy.docx
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy.docx
Equality Information and Objectives (Public Sector Equality Duty) Statement for Publication.docx
E-Safety Policy.docx
Fire Safety Policy.docx
Governors Allowances Policy.docx
Governors Behaviour Principles Written Statement.docx
Health and Safety, First Aid and Premises Management Policy.docx
Intimate Care Policy.docx
Marking and Feedback Policy.docx
Maths Calculation Policy.pdf
Packed Lunch Policy.docx
Physical Activity Policy.docx
Policy on Payment for School Meals, Uniform and Nursery Fees.docx
Positive Behaviour Policy.docx
Protection of Biometric Information of Children in Schools and Colleges Policy.docx
Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf
Safe Dropping Off and Collection of Children Policy.docx
School Complaints Policy.docx
School Uniform Policy.docx
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy.docx
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions.docx
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy.docx