

Our curriculum intent is simple; we aim to inspire our learners to become:
  • hungry for knowledge
  • actively curious
  • instilled with a sense of self
In implementing our curriculum, we aspire for all our pupils to gain a profound understanding of their place in the world around them, as demonstrated by the graphic below.
Our curriculum planning is based on five key elements of learning, all of which are essential to accelerating pupil progress:
We use Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme and the Power of Reading in Literacy and Numicon to support our children in their maths. We also subscribe to ReadingEggs and Doodle to complement our curriculum.

The curriculum developed by the PSHE Association and Government Statutory Guidance, informs our PSHE and RSE curriculum.

Our RE curriculum is based on Northumberland's Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
Children at Kielder Primary School and Nursery learn, mostly, through whole school topics. These are organised depending on the composition of each class. Children are taught in three classrooms that are organised broadly into Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in two adjoining rooms, and Years 4 and 6 in a third classroom. Organisation can vary, with children being taught in the classroom that best suits them. For instance, children may work with some children in the morning and a different set of children in the afternoon. This ensures children make the best possible progress and that they are accessing work that is most suitable for them. This is part of what makes Kielder so unique and special and why our children learn so well.

The education we provide is very personalised and we strive to ensure a child's individual needs are always met. As all the children play and often work together, they confidently move from one classroom to the other when required.
Curriculum Plans - Spring 2024
If you would like further information about our curriculum, please do contact the relevant member of staff by clicking here.
We use various methods to assess the impact of our curriculum. This includes:
  • Formal summative assessments (e.g. Phonics Screening Check in Year 1, SATs in KS1 and KS2).
  • Ongoing formative assessment, feeding into termly monitoring of progress by staff and the headteacher.
  • Effective marking and feedback, including coded marking, detailed written feedback where appropriate, as well as verbal feedback.
  • Termly reporting on pupil progress to the Governing Body.